Who's Online

We have guests online

    Community Manager Andrew O'Donnell

Andrew has been in awe of the internet since the very first
moment he stepped into the World Wide Web. The coming
together of people from all over the world to form small
communities easily took over his attention and drove him
to try and learn how people interacted with the internet and
with each other. 

Eventually this led Andrew to Southern Connecticut State
University where he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in
Cultural Anthropology in order to combine the two things
that he loved: the internet and video games. Studying
the way that Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Games affect
the way people interact with one another, Andrew has spent
years advocating the benefits of video games for socialization.

Beginning to work with The Zelda Project in 2012, Andrew
is a new addition to the TZP and hopes to propel the project 
throughout the internet and the real world by utilizing his
knowledge of social media and the way groups of people
interact with one another.

External links: about.me/druvirus


The Zelda Project is for entertainment purposes only and is in no way affiliated with Nintendo Co., Ltd., Legend of Zelda, or any of its respected licensees. The content is for the exclusive use of the end user, and may not be sold, rented, or used for any commercial enterprise. We make no claim to any characters, storylines, prop designs, names, logos, or situations that are trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected by federal, state, international, or other intellectual property law. This work is produced solely for the personal, uncompensated enjoyment of ourselves and other Zelda fans.

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