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Wes (Link)

Wes Johnson AKA Skullknight101 is a competitive gamer known for his first person shooter skills. Being born into the film and entertainment industry Wes is no stranger to being in front or behind the camera and he has worked as everything from an actor and model to a director and writer. Wes leaped at the chance to play Link in "The Zelda Project" as much of his childhood was spent in front of the TV enthralled by the Zelda series’s rich storylines and compelling gameplay. Always intrigued by the cosplay community he made his first costume at 8 years old for halloween. Far from professional, the makeshift Squall (FF8 also one of his favorite games) costume featured hot glued pillow stuffing and a gunblade made from a toy revolver, a broken toy sword, copious amounts of hot glue, and a wooden stake. Wes is extremely dedicated to “The Zelda Project” and is as excited as anyone to see what comes next.



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The Zelda Project is for entertainment purposes only and is in no way affiliated with Nintendo Co., Ltd., Legend of Zelda, or any of its respected licensees. The content is for the exclusive use of the end user, and may not be sold, rented, or used for any commercial enterprise. We make no claim to any characters, storylines, prop designs, names, logos, or situations that are trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected by federal, state, international, or other intellectual property law. This work is produced solely for the personal, uncompensated enjoyment of ourselves and other Zelda fans.

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