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Vani (Nabooru)

Vanessa, also known as Vani--- feel free to call her that, has been an fan of the Zelda series since her first dive into Ocarina of Time in 1998.

In 2002 she made her first costume, and since then has developed a passion for sewing and costuming: from original designs to character designs to recreations of historical pieces. She currently works as a professional model in Los Angeles and is represented by LA Talent in conjunction with LA Models. She is ecstatic to be a part of The Zelda Project and come together with friends to pay homage to one of her favorite childhood video games!






External Links - www.creatureofhabit.me

The Zelda Project is for entertainment purposes only and is in no way affiliated with Nintendo Co., Ltd., Legend of Zelda, or any of its respected licensees. The content is for the exclusive use of the end user, and may not be sold, rented, or used for any commercial enterprise. We make no claim to any characters, storylines, prop designs, names, logos, or situations that are trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected by federal, state, international, or other intellectual property law. This work is produced solely for the personal, uncompensated enjoyment of ourselves and other Zelda fans.

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